Friday, January 11, 2008


I had a fling yesterday. You heard me right. "Why have a full on affair when you can have a fling?" Of course, I'm referring to a candy bar that my roommate brought back from New Zealand. It really is called a Fling. And it really does have that little catch phrase on the package. It was tasty.

It occurred to me this morning that I've had nine roommates. Nine! In the span of five years, no less. Fortunately, if I stay on track to keep my New Year's resolution, then my tenth roommate will be the final one.

Mike Huckabee was on the Colbert Report this week. I've seen him on there before. He's really funny. Is it bad that I would consider supporting him because I like his sense of humor? I suppose it's probably not the best idea to vote for the President of the United States and leader of the free world based on his ability to come up with a good punch line.

Oh, and on the Daily Show, Jon Stewart referred to Larry King as a "magical talking gnome." I haven't laughed so hard in ages.


Mindy Hart said...

9 roommates? wow... I can't tell you how many pairs of shoes I have, but I can tell you i've had 20+ roommates :) Which begs me to ask the same question of you that I get asked- is it that you're hard to live with or the other way around? ;-) For me, I call it Christian service- its a God given gift of no one else being able to put up with some of those whack jobs :-) (all in Christian love of course!)

Laurie said...

I'm not that hard to live with - I don't think. ;)
It's more a case of living with multiple girls at once. I've had as many as three roomies at one time. Then they get married or move away and in comes a whole new group. It adds up quickly.

Ulovebeth said...

I think I've had about 29 including 3 guys I lived with in the attic of a baptist church. It was California. Things like that are allowed there.

How many times have you been a bridesmaid?! And can you go see 27 dresses with me?

Anonymous said...

you're not hard to live with, lj ;)

Mindy Hart said...

ok..full admission... my 20+ is because of living with multiple girls at once also...i had 3+ roommates each of my 5 years of undergrad alone...

Anonymous said...

love the fling.. too funny

thought I'd share this article on Huckabee's son:

The Doctor said...

The Magical talking gnome was a funny bit indeed.
In New Zealand you can also get a candy bar called simply, "Flake." It's like a fling only without much fun...

Dana said...

The only time I've had roommates besides a husband was when I was in school. I was definitely hard to live with but what can I say, none of the girls wanted to follow the rules...

Hey, I saw you at church last night. I wanted to say hi! but since we were in the middle of the Lord's Supper, I figured yelling out "Hey Laurie" would be frowned upon. I didn't see you after that. Hope you are doing well...

(Love the Colbert Report)

Okay, bye!