Friday, March 02, 2007

Friday Funnies

Things that made me laugh this week:

On the subject of a man and his wingman hitting on girls: "They gave away their formation!"

"They came to talk to us about being sex-free."

"Most good poems include refrigerators. If not outright, then at least in the figurative sense."

"Men. Can't live with 'em. Can't make babies without 'em...or pick up really heavy stuff."

1 comment:

Mookee said...

Can I guess that there was a lot of being hit on by guys this week? Male/Female relationships, as crude as it is, is best broken down in the movie When Harry Met Sally. Granted, it's not THAT crude, it is possible to have friendships with women, so it's a bit over generalized...but the foundation is definitely true.

Hope you have a good weekend.