Tuesday, June 14, 2005

We're not in Kansas anymore

For some people height is an issue...I am one of those people. I am not bothered by my height, it works for me just fine. But other people seem to notice it and make a big deal about it. Just the other day a friend of mine who shall remain nameless (ahem...Mark Warner) made note of my 5'2" stature and began singing "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" to me. Then he and a few others decided that my new nickname should be five-2.

Which leads me to the point of this post(which is actually NOT about height)...do you have any nicknames and what are they? Apparently I am a nickname-prone person because I have many. I'll list some of them and where they came from...would love to hear about yours.
  1. Larissa ~ my dad's nickname for me
  2. Cookie ~ papa's
  3. Chickadee ~ gramma's
  4. Ladybug/L-bug/Bug ~ co-workers and boss call me these because I love ladybugs and have them on my desk. Martin also uses L-bug.
  5. Larry/Flamin' Larry ~ Jason Bailey's...it's a long story
  6. Sexy Eyes ~ Jason Borzik and Chris Keith...another long story
  7. LJ ~ pretty much everyone calls me this, Chris added sign language to it
  8. Hot ~ Laurie Lau...her nickname is Mama, so together we're Hot Mama


AyDubb said...

1. Shunda--reserved mainly for family and those who ask for and gain approval.
2. Meanie/meanie mouse--I was a mean child
3. Bay-bay--a nickname a great-aunt gave me for no reason.
4. Mama's me-me baby--I got that one from my mom when I was ahem...a teenager.

Me said...

Laurie - it's funny that you bring up the topic . . .this is what I had slated for my next blog! I haven't had many nicknames, but here are a few:

1. Crissy - this is (as Arshunda said about her first one) reserved for family. I hated this nickname in junior high because it always made me think of the dumb blonde on Three's Company and I didn't want to be associated!
2. Rissa Rizzo - Marvin McNeese started calling me this in Honduras - I have to say this was my first real nickname outside of the family one.
3. Miss Rissa - Ryan Riley's adaptation of the above nickname
4. CV - Catha and Dustin are the main ones that use this - but Catha gets credit for calling me that first (of course, my parents get credit for giving me those initials!)

Troy said...

Nicknames - oooh how fun.
My favorite one is when people call me "hey, tall guy."

I have had other names come and go, but currently, my favorite one is one I picked up at work. A guy there calls me Neo because sometimes I have to go Keanu Reeves on our computer systems to get them to work properly.

Jared Counts said...

Hey, height-wise, it could always be worse. My cousin Jess is 4'11" and she just got out of high school, ergo she's not getting any taller.

Nicknames, huh? I've got some:
1.) J.C. - used by some around the office.
2.) Counts - what I was known as through most of high school, since there were several other Jareds around.
3.) Mason - this one is from my grandpa. My sister used to call me Jar-Head, but my grandpa couldn't remember that. He kept thinking Fruit Jar, and then that turned into Mason Jar, and finally Mason.
4.) Ish Kabibl - another nickname my grandpa gave me.
5.) Roscoe - a nickname my grandpa used on most of the boys in the family at one time or another. If he called you by your real name, it usually meant that you were in trouble.

Me said...

I remembered one more . . . SpiderWoman. My first roommate gave me that one after I killed 3 or 4 of the HUGE (literally about 2 inches in diameter with legs) field spiders that decided to invade our apartment!

Laurie said...

I love all of these nicknames! Especially Jared's Ish Kabibl and Troy's "tall guy". I really like that one because it is juxtaposed to the nickname that prompted the post in the first place. I think we've now come full circle. ;)