Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why Houston?

As Amy and I traveled through beautiful environments with temperate climates we kept asking ourselves one question: Why in the world do we live in Houston?

We came to the conclusion that it's because of the people. Clearly the weather is not keeping us in town. It also can't be the stunning architecture or amazing parks, quality of life or walkability of the city. Sure isn't the wonderful commute and carefree traffic. Yep. Must be the people.

That's why we've decided to start a commune. Applications are being accepted, but be advised admittance will be HIGHLY exclusive and based on arbitrary factors like how much we like being around you and whether or not we think you're cute.


palomita said...

My standard elevator speech is something like "No, I'd never send a tourist to Hosuton (especially one from another country), but it's a GREAT place to live."

Ulovebeth said...

Do we get to wear clothes?

Melody said...

I'll need to know the answer to Beth's question before I apply because my cute factor is very highly contingent on whether or not I am wearing clothes.

O.M.G. said...

i tell people that moving to Phoenix was the best thing i've ever done! i love it here...every. single. day.

but i'm with you about Houston peeps. oh, how i MISS them. i'm so thankful for my few young adult years of getting to know such a wonderful crowd. now i will spend the rest of my life missing all that wonderfulness. :(