Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I don't usually make New Year's resolutions. But this year I decided I should have at least one. The problem with resolutions is most people don't have the motivation to actually keep them. You pick something that you know you should work on, but you don't really want to work on. So you say to yourself "this year I am going to exercise more, eat better, quit procrastinating, save more money and give more of my time to volunteering." But you don't really feel like doing any of those things. So I have decided I need to set a resolution that I will actually want to accomplish.

That's why my New Year's resolution for 2008...is to have sex. I feel there is sufficient motivation for me to keep this one. Of course, I'm talking about sex after the wedding. So I suppose my actual resolution is to get married. "Find your mate in '0-8!"

Of course, I'd also settle for "Go on a date in '0-8."


Abby said...

I'm thinking nobody was reading blogs yesterday otherwise there is no way I'd be the first to comment on this :P You crack me up :)

Jen said...

Love it. I think I should resolve to do the same. Either really.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Way to put in on a platter and serve it up. Let us know how it works out for you. It may be the start of a trend amongst the single ladies...:-)

Mindy Hart said...

hmm... i have to say that I've never thought of that one as a resolution! maybe I should make that my resolution too- its much better than 'getting out of debt' or 'simplifying'... i'm going for it... sex in 0-8 it is!

do you realize how many people probably have already met that goal though and its only Jan 3rd?

Anonymous said...

I had to clap my hands over my ears and make a very high=pitched squeal to drown out the thought. You're still my little baby girl, no matter how grown- up you think you are. love-mom