Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dictators and Aliens

Walking through the parking lot this morning, I passed one of my co-workers and said hello. He responded in kind and then he glanced at a button I have pinned to my coat. The button is hot pink and says "I've been to Cuba." My co-worker asked me if I actually have been to Cuba and I assured him that it's true. He asked me a few questions about the country. I told him some of my impressions and shared with him about the extensive propaganda spread throughout the country by the Cuban government.

Next thing I know, my co-worker is informing me that if Hillary Clinton is elected president she'll quickly become a dictator along the lines of Fidel Castro. He informed me in a near whisper that the first thing she'll do as president/dictator is shut down all the AM radio stations. Then her second move will be to abolish the electoral college. Then he cast his eyes toward the heavens and pleaded for God to spare us from such a state.

That's when I began sending up silent prayers of my own that God would protect me from conspiracy theorists.

A few moments later, I was walking down the hall toward the elevator and I noticed a young woman out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't see her face, but I didn't recognize her. So I figured I should be cordial and say hello. She turned to look at me and I swear her face looked like an alien's. She had huge, wide-set eyes, a high forehead and flattened features. I only got a glimpse of her before she turned and walked through a doorway without saying a word. I peeked around the doorway to watch where she went and she was nowhere to be seen.

So I began sending up silent prayers that Mr. Conspiracy Theorist hadn't rubbed off on me.


bbrown said...

I can't stop laughing. This may be your strangest post to date.
Could this story BE more random?

... a hot pink button to tell people you've been to Cuba?, a whispering conspiracy theorist, Hillary Clinton abolishing AM, and I'm pretty sure my mental image of alien woman is gonna give me nightmares.

Phil said...

What size is your head?
Dont take this personally but we need to know for your BRAND NEW ALUMINUM FOIL HAT! It will be sent to you for a the suprising low cost of 13 easy payments of $19.95 Plus shipping and handling.

Troy said...

We will have to eliminate AM so that the aliens can use the frequency range for their communications. This pretty much proves the theory that Hillary Clinton was abducted by aliens, and is now a part of their plans to take over the earth.

Anonymous said...

You never know what those crazy democrats will do! Stay away from the democrat camp this year, if you really are a Christian!