Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday Funnies

Things that made me laugh this week:

"I still think about how you told me one gets left behind when you roll over at night."

Guy: "Troy, you're so flavorful."
Girl #1: "Like these breasts."
Girl #2: "What's this about Troy's flavorful breasts?"

"I have an environmentally friendly nozzle."

Guy: "I want to ask you something."
Me: "Okay, what is it?"
Guy: " do you feel about clowns?"

"You did not just send me porn."

"Blog about man-eating goats."

"I see your condom argument."

Me: "Can I put that on my blog?"
Friend: "Tell them Tom said it."

"My hopes have suddenly been dashed on the jagged rocks of injustice."

"I'm going to Schlitterbahn in August. I need to work on my Schlitter-body."

"Earth to Laurie!"

"I don't want to let my ladies down."

Man: If I ever did get sexually harassed, with my luck, it would be by a guy."

E-Card: "With Sympathy on Your Break-up...Remember the good when you hit him over the head with your purse. You have my condolences...and you still have Guy #2 and Guy #3."

1 comment:

gL said...

btw... I'm not stalking your site. I just use it as a base of operations to check all the blogs I read