Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Last night I was watching TV, when a commercial caught my attention. The screen went black and then a spotlight illuminated a sleek, metallic-looking wand. The announcer started talking about how the latest scientific developments and technological advances helped design this new marvel. He informed me this device was the most accurate and user-friendly version on the market. A small stream of water appeared out of nowhere and started splashing on the end of the wand. That's when I heard the announcer say "This is the most advanced technology...you'll ever pee on."

Yes, that's what he said. Yes, it was a commercial for a pregnancy test. Yes, I was appalled.


Jeanine said...

I have whole lectures on how those work.

Anonymous said...

those are not that exciting to me...what would be exciting would be a breakthrough in technology where you get a 'stick' man or woman on the readout to tell you the gender of the baby...blue lines, pink lines, crosses, parallel lines...this has all been done and is all boring to explain to others...

and most people, when they ask about how it works, don't really care about what i am saying until i say "2 lines = pregnant". they don't care that there may actually be gold in the little applicator, or about the reagents that activate color change in the 'stick'.