Thursday, December 07, 2006

Bah! Humbug!

Last night Troy and I were driving to Starbucks for a home teams planning session. I wasn't really paying attention to what was on the radio, but all of a sudden he desperately started punching buttons on the radio in an attempt to quickly change stations. That's right. They were playing "The Christmas Shoes." We came this close to having our evening ruined.


The Doctor said...

I have blocked out all memories of the song, so that's good, but that picture in the link is priceless!

Jennifer said...

yeah, that song really sucks the Christmas spirit right out of me

gL said...

why do they keep playing that dang song... no one likes it... radio personalities are you listening? Laurie don't you have some pull with these people?

Ulovebeth said...

I've never heard the song. I might have to request it...

Alyssa said...

Okay, I'll be courageous and admit to liking it! I know its cheesy and yes, it gets old when they play it so often, but I actually think it's cute. Laurie, can we still be friends? :)

Laurie said...

Wow. Alyssa, that was really brave. As far as whether we can still be friends...I'll have to pray about it. ;)

Todd Richards said...

I am proud of you, Alyssa... you are who you are and you like what you like. I don't share your enjoyment of the song, but you are certainly entitled to your opinions.

I will be brave and admit that I just don't listen to KSBJ. Yep.. you read that correctly. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and I do not listen to KSBJ. There are others like me in the city of Houston, and God listens to us also. I promise He does... :-)

(was that too much?)