Monday, November 20, 2006


Get me out of here! I've been in the office for about 30 minutes. Half of that time has been spent listening to my co-worker tell me really corny jokes that he's reading off of his email. Our desks face each other, so there's no escape. My only out is to put on my headphones and pretend like I am editing some audio cuts. Here's a sampling of the jokes I've heard this morning:

"A male antenna and a female antenna met and got married. The wedding wasn't much, but the reception was great."

"A dyslexic man walked into a bra."

"An invisible man and an invisible woman had kids. They weren't much to look at."

I will spare you the rest. Just another Monday in the glamorous life of a local celebrity...


Ulovebeth said...

I really liked these jokes.
They were punny, but good.

I feel like I'm the lone-poster on your blog these days. Others are out there. They just aren't brave and type-happy like me.

Thanks for the funnies!!

Jennifer said...

I told those jokes around the lab today. Many laughs.

The Doctor said...

say, can you have your coworker forward those to me? I need some new material...

Ulovebeth said...

Please send Dennis some new jokes.

The Doctor said...

"HA-HA"- Nelson, from "The Simpsons"

Anonymous said...

these jokes are funny...can i come work with you?

Anonymous said...

oh gosh! i thought they were awful! I wanted to come rescue you from cruel and unusual work conditions....luckily, i am several days late to read your post, and couldnt justify the trip over to save you from a situation that has no doubt already ended!

Todd Richards said...

I can see where an extended session of such jokes would wear thin... but I would likely be the guy reading them to a girl as she blogs about it (without my knowledge).