Monday, October 09, 2006

An Affair to Remember

I've been trying not to make a big deal out of this. My internet love affair with Dennis has been spiraling downward. At first, the relationship seemed to be really great. We even had our own music montage! But as the days went by he grew more and more distant. I tried not to let it bother me. I kept reading his blog. I even commented a few times. I didn't tell anyone that things weren't going so well. I thought maybe the problem was with me. But then the argument began. It's funny how couples will fight over the smallest things. It actually took a mediator to resolve the dispute between us. I wanted to share all of this with my faithful QQ readers because I have good news: Dennis and I are fully reconciled. I told him how I felt he had created distance between us. He quickly responded by commenting twice on my blog! He also added me to his blog-roll. The least I can do is reciprocate.

Relationships can be hard.


The Doctor said...

Aw, thanks! What a sweet thing to do! I promise that I will never let punctuation stand in the way of our relationship again, not even my own. (What a silly thing that was!)

Todd Richards said...

Well done, Dennis... not only did you apologize, but you also put to practice the proper grammar. Well done, indeed.

Jeanine said...

I like how Dennis titled your blog "The Lurker."

palomita said...

So do I get some sort of commission for being the link that brought you two together? I least put me in the wedding party. Just don't make me do guest book duty. I think my role here is worth far more than that.