First, a description of my purse. It's a medium-sized black handbag with one large carrying space and three small inner pockets. It's not very large (about 8"x12") but deceptively can hold a surprising amount of stuff. I don't have as many things in there as I usually carry.
Right now it holds:
- My date planner (for all my fabulous dates)
- checkbook
- coin/cash purse
- card case
- chewing gum
- compact mirror
- sunglasses
- Excedrin (never leave home without it)
- keys
- hairbrush
- hand sanitizer
- Starbucks receipt for 1 free latte
- feminine hygiene product
- 1 small bag containing the following items: Neutrogena foundation, sponge, three lipsticks, lip gloss, mascara, 1 bobbypin and 1 snap-barrette
- plastic hair clip
- extra car key that I keep forgetting to leave at home
- iPod Nano
- mini contact lens solution
- new lipstick (not to be confused with previously listed lipsticks)
- chapstick
- ballpoint pen
- one pair of earrings
- Blackberry
- stamps
- coupons
1 comment:
You know it's not what might be in there... it's that one item that we know is in there that we would be mortified to pick up... and you would be mortified for us to pull out. With friends like yours some of them may not even know what is was and ask for an explanation... remember your education of where babies come from...
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