Thursday, September 20, 2007

Great TV Moments


gL said...

that's funny! When one elephant sneezed, the other's eyes got real big

Todd Richards said...

I have seen those sketchs before, and it is not possible to watch them and not laugh. Truly classic... Tim Conway was relentless with them.

Dana said...

Oh Laurie, thank you for making me laugh this morning...I truly loved this show as a young girl...and yes I am showing my age...

Nancy Mon said...

I will show my age even more than Dana. In jr high school history tests were always on Tuesday. At one point the Carol Burnett show was on Monday at 9:00. I was always glad that history was a subject that came easily to me, so I could watch the show. Yes, I know I should have studied before Monday night, but that has been my school experience. I believe you will also find that to be the fact on my permanent record.