Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm Famous

Yesterday I got quite a surprise. A friend emailed me and said she was surfing the net and headed over to blogHouston to check out what kind of criticisms they had for the media this week. For those of you who don't know, blogHouston is a group of citizens who offer a round-up of news stories they consider to be important to the region. They also critique local news reports and offer commentaries and suggestions. A lot of Houston journalists read this blog to see what these guys are saying about us. Anyway, the purpose of my friend's email was to alert me to the fact that blogHouston has linked to the QQ!

I checked it out and sure enough...there I am under the list of "Journo Bloggers" on the lower right side of the page. Wow. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, yes, I am a journalist. And yes, I am a blogger. But I'm not a journalist-blogger. I'm blogging about my personal life...not about Houston news happenings. All the other "journo bloggers" on that list are actually blogging about news. Most of them are blogging for their employers. I'm blogging about my fake dates and growing plants on my patio. Now everyone in Houston has a link to my blog. This could really increase my readership...but I'm not sure I'm prepared to answer questions if, for instance, the mayor asks me how things are going with Guy #1.

I might have to start blogging about "grown-up" things so people will take me seriously as a journalist. If anyone has any suggestions for grown-up topics, let me know. I've got nuthin'.


Mindy Hart said...

No- you must continue to blog about non-grownup things!!!! How did they find you anyway?????

Erin said...

I agree with Mindy. I protest against the grownup topics! We love you and the QQ just the way you are.

Alyssa said...

Amen to that! We have enough grown-up things in everyday life. Let's leave QQ for our relaxing pleasure, please. :)

Dana said...

I vote the QQ stays the way it is...
But you could tell us what Katy was actually doing an impression of...

Kevin Whited said...

Well, after some thought, I moved the link from the Journo-bloggers to the "normal" bloggers section, since this is a personal blog not related to all the serious work stuff.

PLEASE don't change a thing. I've been lurking here for quite a while and enjoy the blog just as it is. :)