Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday Funnies

Things that made me laugh this week:

"Way to go, Bulldog."

"By the way, I found my underwear."

"I'm a retorter, you're a reporter."

Him: "I was really frustrated because she was trying to tell me how to do my job."
Me: "So you didn't like that she was giving you lip?"
Him: "Well, let's not get carried away. I am still a man, after all."

"You should hide a message in a code on your blog. See if he finds it."

"Have fun at small groups...talking about whichever guy is the flavor of the week."

"This could be our chance to beat the crap out of a teenage kid, just like we've always dreamed of doing."


Anonymous said...

guess someone else had bicycle on their wish list too

bbrown said...

what happened to rigsby's funny???

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh, we totally saw you on TV last night!! We're in Sonoma for our anniversary trip, and Scott was flipping through the channels and shouted, "There's Laurie! It's Flamin Larry!"

Congrats on a job well done. :)