Wednesday, January 03, 2007

So tie tie

Yesterday I was about as tired as this kitteh. I made myself a turkey and cheese sandwich for dinner. You know how they put those little pieces of paper between the cheese slices to keep them from sticking together? It took me three bites to realize I left one of those bits of paper in my sandwich. Let that sink in for a moment... I was so tired that I not only left the paper in there, but I bit into it three times before I realized I was eating paper!

I was fast asleep by 9pm. That is sad.


Anonymous said...

Girl I feel your pain!!! I was in bed last night about 8:45!

Todd Richards said...

That cat freaks me out more than the thought of eating paper. I mean it looks peaceful and tired, but I bet it could snap at moment's notice. Fortunately, we don't ever have to worry about you doing that, Laurie. Just try to cut back on the paper eating... I hear it can cause cancer in lab rats.