Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday Funnies

Things that made me laugh this week (or at least since the holidays):

"Clearly there were all kind of clues that 'vaginal' was the wrong word."

"You know how people email you those long, intense updates on all their drama?
I call it e-vomit."

"Are you practicing safe text?"

"Excuse me Sir. Why do you have 87 pairs of underwear in your hotel room?"

"Don't question God's plan for you. If oceans can be parted, dead made live, then surely he can change a heart. Don't fight it, it'll only make the nausea worse."

"Sorry to take up so much of your time telling you about my Latino playboy."

"I sent an email to a friend yesterday. Outlook auto-corrected my spelling of Philos (meaning brotherly love) and changed it to phallus (the male organ). I didn't catch it."


Anonymous said...

i always try to imagine under what context these blurbs could be as innocent as i usually assume they must have, i think you overhear some pretty raunchy stuff!!! haha.

you are adored.

Laurie said...

As I was putting the funnies together, I was thinking that I might have reached an all-time high (or low) in the shady factor. If it weren't for the two comments mentioning reproductive organs it wouldn't be too bad.

Sarah said...

Laurie, the Friday funnies never fail to make me laugh! Thanks for being such a ray of sunshine. :)

Anonymous said...

gosh, i miss you.