Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Night Terrors

I had a traumatic experience earlier this week. I panicked for a moment. It was all over quickly, but it stuck with me. In fact, it was so deeply embedded into my subconscious that I later had an anxiety dream about it. Both the experience and the dream were so troubling that I pledged to make a life change of drastic proportions: I will shave my legs every day, no matter what!


Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued as to what the experience actually was.

Alyssa said...

I had to take my roommate to the ER one time and the very hot doctor checked her legs for water retention. She hadn't shaved in awhile and vowed she had learned her lesson. I totally understand the anxiety dream and say to other women, "learn from others' mistakes!" :)

The Doctor said...

believe me, from the doctor's experience, a good shave is not as common as you might think! ;-)

gL said...

hahaha... I know something other people don't know... for once