Friday, December 15, 2006

Friday Funnies

Things that made me laugh this week:

Me: "I have a cold. I was hoping for something more glamorous."
Friend: "Like what...mono?"

"Last night I had fun...even if you didn't put out."

"Don't be ashamed of what you got. It's all about how you work it."

"I'm like a woodland creature. Any sudden moves and I'll scamper off."

On the subject of Payless' Buy One Get One ad campaign:
"Why is it BOGO? Shouldn't it be BOGOHO?"

"I found a neighborhood that is perfect for you. It's a community built to fit your lifestyle: Shady Acres."

"We had the DTR and decided to go physical."

"I think I bit Laurie on Thanksgiving weekend."

"I probably caught your germs when I bit you."

"I check the blog every week to read the Friday Funnies, but sometimes I feel dirty afterward."

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