Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Totally Awesome

A few minutes ago, I was composing an email to a friend. I intended to say "I won't be participating in the activity because I am trying to dedicate this week to God...." But instead of typing "week" I typed "weed." So the sentence read: "I am trying to dedicate this weed to God."

Gives a whole new meaning to presenting the pleasing aroma of sacrifice to the Lord.


Dustin said...

This post has really made me start thinking about something....

We have all read the numerous posts about the problems at Laurie's living establishment in regards to "roaches". I would like to submit that when Laurie is talking about "roach" that maybe it's not a beast, but rather a device used to assist her during her "week"....

Todd Richards said...

Laurie, I like how you always equate life with Scripture...

Justin, your comment has to be one of the funniest/scarriest pictures I have imagined in quite some time.

D-Lux, I think you are on to something her... we should go inspect the house and retreive... err, eliminated any paraphernalia we may find.