Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Pillsbury Conspiracy

So I was watching the Olympics the other night and this commercial came on. The Pillsbury doughboy was standing in this couple's kitchen watching them canoodle. The music in the background was "two for tea, and tea for two..." and the whole commercial was about how if people come in pairs, biscuits should come in pairs also. Different couples were shown in the commercial, doing couple-y things...on a road trip in a convertable, reading in bed, snuggling on the couch, eating breakfast together etc. For all those perfect people out there who come in pairs, there is Pillsbury Perfect Portions Biscuits. That's right, if you aren't part of a duo you're not worthy of the Perfect Portions biscuit. If there's only one of you, you're not a perfect portion kind of person. The tag line of the commercial is "Add a little love." Great. Now even a biscuit has the ability to make me feel inadequate and unloved. Thanks Pillsbury. That's just perfect.


Shanna said...

Your portions are perfect and you don't need no stinkin' doughboy to tell you so.

Aimee said...

You know Laurie - i see that as an advantage. Being single means we get to eat both stinkin' biscuits!! Have a blessed day!

Anonymous said...

HUGE PROPS for the "canoodling" bit!!

kelly said...

Twice the yumminess with twice the biscuits ;). Add some chocolate and you're all set!