Monday, August 15, 2005

Pay Attention

I know many of you aren't news junkies, so I just wanted to remind/alert you to something important happening this week. We are witnessing social, scriptural and political history this week as Israel plans to turn over the Gaza strip to the Palestinians. This is a huge step in the Mideast peace process and has significant implications for the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and thus for Christians awaiting the return of Christ.

I don't want this to become a discussion of eschatology, but take the time to watch the national news or listen to the radio or read the paper this week. Be in prayer for God's Chosen People that world issues would open their eyes to the Messiah!

Here's a link to a New York Times article on the pullout, there are some wonderful pictures as well.


leslie said...


I know you said you didn't want to get into an estchatological discussion over this issue, but I just wanted to know how you saw a connection between this event and the temple.

Laurie said...

Boiling it down to the most basic element, the rebuilding of the temple will most likely require some sort of peace pact or agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. This is one step in that process.

Troy said...

If we can't have a discussion on eschatology, can we have some eschatology jokes instead?

Laurie said...

bring 'em on Troy.

Troy said...

I only know one eschatology joke, but I can't remember how it ends.